- 相關推薦
最好聽的英文歌曲 1
1、My love
2、Just one last dance
3、As long as you love me
4、Because of you
5、God is a girl
7、Yesterday once more
9、All rise
10、One love
11、Big big world
12、My heart will go on
最好聽的英文歌曲 2
1、just one last dance
2、because of you
3、You raise me up
4、La Isla Bonita
推薦理由:法國美女小天后Alizee用熱情、奔放的.拉丁古典吉他音樂,桑巴鼓點的節(jié)奏展現(xiàn)一幅熱帶島嶼綺麗的風光。節(jié)奏感極強,曲調(diào)歡快,(La Isla Bonita為西班牙語,即美麗的海島)
5、One year ago
推薦理由:Lene Marlin的聲音很純美,能讓人很快就能陷入歌曲的意境中。
6、Long Long Way to Go
8、All rise
推薦理由:Blue 樂隊的經(jīng)典歌曲,搖擺的快歌風格。Blue是實力派的歌手,聲線高昂明亮,醇厚又富有磁性。All rise這首歌的和聲部分尤其經(jīng)典。
9、Traveling Light
10、Creepin Up On You
推薦理由:野人花園主唱Darren Hayes的作品,節(jié)奏感很好的一首好歌,讓人忍不住會隨著節(jié)奏擺動身體.每次一聽到就有用不完的好心情,呵呵.就象這首歌的名字一樣,相信你也會情不自禁地愛上它.
最好聽的英文歌曲 3
1、Because of you
2、Never Had A Dream Come True
3、Anyone of us
這首歌可能不是所有人第1次聽就喜歡,但我第1次聽它就很感冒,Gareth Gates的聲音的確非常好聽,節(jié)奏和旋律真的沒有他的歌聲霸道
這是在我MP3里呆的最久的一首歌.可能有半年了吧,相當好聽,不管是節(jié)奏,歌詞,還是Groove Coverage的唱功都著實了得 !經(jīng)常玩勁舞團的對這首歌應該不陌生吧
5、I want it that way
第1次聽完了下在MP3上,聽了半個月 直到現(xiàn)在都想不通啊
6、Hero-Mariah Carey
這首歌不象其他歌一樣搞的很大聲,但它依然很有氣勢。我真的有點佩服Mariah Carey,可以把一首并不快的歌唱成這樣,可以說,這首歌很有氣質(zhì),值得一聽
7、My happy ending
不懂Avril Lavigne清純的外表下怎么會有如此的爆發(fā)力?!這是一首需要挑戰(zhàn)耳膜強度的歌哦,特別是晚上.如果都開很大聲,嘿嘿,有你爽的哈
9、It’s my life
CS MV的主題曲,鋼琴版的聽著超爽,如果你想去感嘆人生的話聽這首歌是個很好的方法
10、Just one last dance-Sarah Connor
既然是just one last dance,當然很適合在晚上聽撒,因為晚上是一天的last哈
開始時Sarah Connor親唱just one last dance 在晚上四周超安靜的時候聽起真的超爽,而后面勁爆的一段簡直把夜晚推向高潮
11、Big big world
12、Right Here Waiting
這首歌從一開始經(jīng)典到結尾,還是喜歡他唱的那句I’ll be right here waiting for you
13、Forever Young
14、my love
15、The day you went away
16、You are not alone
17、baby one more time
小甜甜也有很多好聽的歌的。這首很有節(jié)奏感的情歌感覺她真的是一個能快能慢,唱什么歌都好聽的歌手啊,覺得好聽就one more time
這是Avril Lavigne,最經(jīng)典的一首歌。我認為的哈
最好聽的英文歌曲 4
1、沉默之聲 The Sound Of Silence
2、愛的細語There's A Kind Of Hush
3、陽光季節(jié) Seasons In The Sun
4、唱首憂郁的歌 Song Sung Blue
5、在老橡樹上系黃絲帶 Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree
6、雨的`旋律 Rhythm of The Rain
7、七個寂寞的日子 Seven Lonely Days
8、超級迷你比基尼 Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini
10、檸檬樹 Lemon Tree
11、花落何處 Where Have All The Flowers Gone?
12、順其自然 Let It Be
13、昨日重現(xiàn) Yesterday Once More
14、甜心 Dear Heart
15、太年輕 Too Young
16、低語的松樹 Whispering Pines
17、世界末日 The End Of The World
18、我的家鄉(xiāng) My Hometown
19、大江東去 The River Of No Return
20、田納西華爾茲 Tennessee Waltz
21、破曉 Morning Has Broken
22、惡水上的大橋 Bridge Over Troubled Water
23、讓它是我 Let It Be Me
24、再見,吾愛 Bye Bye, Love
25、無法停止愛你 I Can't Stop Loving You
26、只有你 Only You
27、世事不可強求 Que Sera, Sera
28、雨點不斷落在我頭上 Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
29、某處,吾愛 Somewhere My Love
30、在雨中哭泣 Crying In The Rain
31、跳舞吧,小女孩 Dance On, Little Girl
32、愛你在心口難開 More Than I Can Say
33、玫瑰,玫瑰我愛你 Rose, Rose, I Love You
34、清晨 In The Morning
35、往日情懷 The Way We Were
36、北上阿拉斯加 North To Alaska
37、老鷹之歌 El Condor Pasa
38、鄉(xiāng)村路帶我回家 Take Me Home Country Roads
39、郵差先生 Please Mr、Postman
40、黃河鎮(zhèn)Yellow River
41、放開我 Release Me
42、最后華爾茲 The Last Waltz
43、孤枕難眠 I Don't Like To Sleep Alone
44、想象 Imagine
45、不再墜入情網(wǎng) I'll Never Fall In、Love Again
46、輕歌銷魂 Killing Me Softly With His Song
47、婚禮 The Wedding
48、雪鳥 Snowbird
49、黛咪 Tammy
50、情感 Feelings
51、假如 If
52、小白鴿 Paloma Blanca
53、今日 Today
54、無須說愛我 You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
55、奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody
56、與我吻別Kiss Me Goodbye
57、只有尋夢去 All I Have To Do Is Dream
58、小白花 Edelweiss
59、將頭靠在我肩上 Put Your Head On My Shoulder
60、黃鳥兒 Yellow Bird
61、全為了一個女孩的愛 All For The Love Of A Girl
62、輕聲細訴,愛人 Speak Softly, Love
63、交換舞伴 Changing Partners
64、我參加你的婚禮 I Went To Your Wedding
65、給約翰的一封信 A Dear John Letter
66、月亮河 Moon River
67、黛安娜 Diana
68、哦,卡羅 Oh! Carol
69、試著回憶 Try To Remember
70、什錦燴飯 Jambalaya
72、唯有孤寂 Only The Lonely
73、我明白 I Understand
74、全心全意愛我 Love Me With All Of Your Heart
75、深夜陌生人 Strangers In The Night
76、離家五百里 Five Hundred Miles
77、昨日 Yesterday
78、走在雨中 Just Walking In The Rain
79、陽光在我肩上 Sunshine On My Shoulders
80、我希望你要我 I'd Love You To Want Me
81、你欺騙的心 Your Cheating Heart
82、麻薩諸塞州 Massachusetts
83、丹尼男孩 Danny Boy
84、今晚你寂寞嗎Are You Lonesome Tonight
85、隨風飄蕩 Blowing In The Wind
86、敲三下 Knock Three Times
87、不再 No More
88、熱愛著你 Devoted To You
89、舊金山 San Francisco
90、棉花田 Cotton Field
91、親愛的 Sugar, Sugar
92、世界之頂 Top Of The World
93、你照亮我的生命 You Light Up My Life
94、玫瑰花園 Rose Garden
95、如果你愛我 If You Love Me
96、史東妮 Stoney
97、我不知如何愛他 I Don't Know How To Love Him
98、溫柔地愛我 Love Me Tender
99、你偷走巨廈 The Mansion You Stole
最好聽的英文歌曲 6
1 just one last dance
2 because of you
3 far away from home
4 as long as you love me
5 valder fields tamas wells a plea en vendredi
6 burning maria arredondo not going under
7 god is a girl
8 apologize timbaland timbaland presents shock value
9 my love
10 just one last dance sarah connor just one last dance
11 she groove coverage she
12 cry on my shoulder
13 gotta have you the weepies say i am you
14 complicated
15 i want it that way
16 dying in the sun
17 hero
18 christmas in my heart sarah connor singles collectionsarah
19 thank you dido dido live
20 all rise blue 白金全紀錄精選the platinum collection
21 the saltwater room owl city maybe i'm dreaming
22 bye bye mariah carey e=mc2
23 nothing in the world atomic kitten ladies night
24 my happy ending
25 trouble is a friend lenka lenka
26 i could be the one donna lewis blue planet
27 moonlight shadow
28 one love
29 pretty boy
30 my love
31 free loop daniel powter daniel powter
32 dying in the sun cranberries bury the hatchet
33 in the end
34 stand jewel 0304
35 you raise me up
36 better in time leona lewis spirit
37 all rise blue 白金全紀錄精選the platinum collection
38 only love
39 thank you
40 because you live jesse mccartney beautiful soul
41 yellow coldplay the piano tribute to coldplay
42 the show lenka lenka
43 breathless shayne ward breathless
44 yesterday once more
45 big big world
46 seasons in the sun
47 the day you went away
48 far away from home groove coverage
49 when you believe
50 love story taylor swift fearless special edition
51 only love trademark only love
52 imagine me without you jaci velasquez crystal clear
53 anyone of us gareth gates what my heart wants to say
54 love is color blind sarah connor bounce limited edition
55 the day you went away m2m the day you went away: the best of m2m
56 eversleeping xandria eversleeping
57 when you say nothing at all
58 bad day daniel powter daniel powter
59 living to love you sarah connor singles collectionsarah
60 baby one more time
61 shape of my heart
62 we will rock you
63 always getting over you angela ammons angela ammons
64 anyone of us gareth gates what my heart wants to say
65 my heart will go on
66 innocence avril lavigne live at roxy theatre
67 lonely
68 we are one kelly sweet
69 sitting down here lene marlin playing my game
70 without you
71 the tower vienna teng waking hour
72 place nearby lene marlin playing my game
73 i could be the one
74 christmas in my heart sarah connor singles collectionsarah
75 to be with you
76 i wanted you ina
77 numb
78 never grow old the cranberries gold
79 bleeding love leona lewis demo album
80 with him babyface face2face
81 the magic key
82 god is a girl groove coverage god is a girl
83 soledad westlife coast to coast
84 right here waiting
85 hero mariah carey
86 pretty boy m2m the day you went away: the best of m2m
87 you are not alone michael jackson history past present & future
88 never had a dream come true s club 7 the greatest hits of s club 7
89 craigie hill cara dillon
90 you are not alone
91 never had a dream come true
92 place nearby
93 all good things nelly furtado loose
94 don't cry
95 everytime
96 when you say nothing at all alison krauss now that i ve found you
97 when you told me you loved me jessica simpson irresistible
98 yesterday leona lewis spirit
99 always come back to your love
100 here i am