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端午節是我國的傳統節日,也是個很有特色的節日。聽爸爸說,端午節由來是紀念歷史上偉大的愛國詩人屈原。每當端午節來臨,家家戶戶,大街小巷都彌漫著:甜甜的,濃濃的節日味道。今年端午節,媽媽早早開始準備包粽子了。媽媽包粽子的時候,我最喜歡在她身邊轉來轉去看,只見媽媽拿出兩片一大一小的粽葉折成一個角, 再在折好的角筒放進一些已經浸泡好的糯米,塞上一大塊豬肉,又蓋上糯米,然后用粽葉把糯米裹得嚴嚴實實的。看著媽媽包好的一個個胖胖的粽子,饞得我直流口水。端午的前一天,人們把采來的艾篙,菖蒲一同插在門窗上,用來辟邪保平安。艾草的清香彌漫開來,這股香氣很持久。晚上,還要用菖蒲煎制的水來洗澡,聽說它有祛除百病的功效。這一天,媽媽還給我弄五彩線,綁在我的手腕上。說這樣能祛病消災,長命百歲。我喜歡過端午節。
The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China, and it is a very distinctive Festival.. Listen to my father, the Dragon Boat Festival is the history of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Whenever the Dragon Boat Festival, each and every family, are filled with high streets and back lanes: sweet, special flavor. This year, the Dragon Boat Festival, mother early to prepare package dumplings. Mother dumplings, my favorite in her turn to look at, I saw my mother took out two pieces of one large and one small Zongye folded into a corner, again in the folded angle cylinder into some already soaked glutinous rice, plug a large piece of pork, and cover the glutinous rice and with bamboo leaves to glutinous rice wrapped Yanyanshishi. Looked at the mother wrapped a fat dumplings, greedy DC slobber I. The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, people gather the moxa, calamus together ed in the windows and doors, to ensure the safety of evil. Wormwood fragrance diffuse, the fragrance is lasting. At night, but also with calamus fried water to take a shower, I heard it has the effect of dispel diseases. This day, my mother back to my colorful lines, tied to my wrist. Can say such illnesses and misfortunes, longevity. I like the Dragon Boat Festival.