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時(shí)尚口語: smell
Wity my large nose, I have fairly keen sense of smell. It's a blessing, and also a curse,
Since my nose tends to be more sensitive than the average person's. There are advantages and disadvantages.
For example, I am usually the first one to know when something delicious is around, I'm also the first person to know when something smelly is around, like a baby with unchanged diaper.
In the summmer, it seems like there is more to smell in general. I love the smell of cut grass, it reminds me of one of my first part-time jobs. It makes me think of my childhood. I really like the smell of fresh bread and pastries. I also enjoy the scent of flowers and some perfumes.
But somethimes I detect some smells that aren't so good.
I don't like to smell perfumes what is really put on heavily. Have you worked around those kinds of people? I don't know why they spray so much perfume, but they do.
and its way too strong. It's hard to concentrate. I also hate the smell of cigarette. but I like the smell of barbecue.
Do you have any preferences?
Talk about it:
1)do you have a good sense of smell?
2)what smells do you like?
3)what smells do you dislike?
4)do certain smells ever remind you of something from the past?
5)are these positive or negative memories?
6)some animals have very keen sense of smell, how do you think this helps them?
7)can you think of an occupation with good sense of smell is very important?
8)do you wear perfume or colone? how do you know when you wear too much?
9) it 's belived the sense of smell is closely connected to taste, do you agree with this statement?
10)have you ever try to eat with your nose pluged?
時(shí)尚口語:“No” Is a Hard Word to Say
Have you heard the Elton John song ”Sorry Seems To be The Hardest Word”? It’s a nice song, but…well, I disagree. Sure, saying “sorry” is not easy. But the small, itsy-bitsy, two-letter word “No” is more difficult to say.
If you think about it, you’ll probably agree.
For clarity, I know that the word “no” is easy to say when someone offers you some coffee and you already have some. You might say? “no thanks. I have some.”
But what if someone asks you to come to a party they are having and you really do’t want to go. It’s not as easy to say “No… but thanks anyway.”
When you have to refuse or decline and you don’t want to hurt someone’s feeling, you want to say “no,” but you end up saying something else… or even saying, “YES” because it’s easier to say.
You decline politely by saying…
“I’d love to, but I don’t have time”
“ I wish I could, but I have to meet someone.”
“Is that song, Hae Kyo…oh my gosh..got to run!”
Just saying N-O “no” is tough.
1 when you have to decline…when you want to say ”No” to someone, but you are afraid you might hurt that person’s feeling, what DO you say?
2 Do you have trouble saying, “No”?
3 When do you have trouble saying, “No”?
4 talk about a time when you wanted to say “No” but said “Yes” instead.
5 What are some good excuses to use when saying, “No”?
6 How often do you say, “No” to people?
7 Have you ever liked to someone to protect his feelings?
8 How would you feel if someone lied to you to protect your feelings?
9 Is it difficult for you to decline offers for help?
10 What do you think is the most appropriate thing to say when you are declining an offer?
時(shí)尚口語: hearing
Are you good at lip reading? It's not that easy, you should try it sometime. Turn off the volume of your television, and try to understand what is being said. If you are watching a slow drama, you can catch more of the dialogue. If you are watching the news, and people are speaking quickly, Gosh, it's tough enough listening to the news without volume up.
Trying to understand without hearing is almost impossible. But even if you are the world's best lip reader, if the person is not facing you, how can you understand what he is saying if you can't hear him?
Like most of our senses, I think we take our bility to hear for granted. I know I do.
the beautiful music we listen to everyday,
the verbal gratings we say,
the radio programs we hear everyday,
the movie soundtrack we love hearing.
Movies are so weak without the soundtracks, life without sound is bland.
Sure once in a while "silence is golden" as they say, but I think my life would be super tough and boring if the soundtrack were taken away.
Talk about it:
1)Are you good at lip reading?
2)when would lip reading be useful?
3)do you have good hearing?
4)what would life without sound be like?
5)Do you like silence?
6)There is an old saying that "Children should be seen, not heard", what do you think this means?
7)what would be the one thing you would miss the most if you lost the ability to hear?
8)what measures do you take to protect your hearing?
9)there are some situations where it is very important to be silent.
時(shí)尚口語: Being there,Done that
Have you ever heard the expression "being there done that"?You say it to a friend when you want to let that person know that you've already experienced something.You often say when want to emphasize that experience wasn't so good,and you don't really want it again.
For example,your friend might say:"Hi, Issac, have you ever gone fishing on a boat on the ocean?", I would then reply,"Being there done that".I would explain that I have gone fishing on the ocean, and that I got really seasick. it's not something that I want to do it again any time soon.
Do you have any being there done that experiences?
Maybe a job interview, it's really intense.
A long road trip with your family, while you get stuck in traffic.
Or getting bitten by a lot of mosquitos, when you are on a camping trip.
These are somethings that I had before, I would not ever like to have again.
I have been there and done that.
Talk about it:
1)Have you been in the position that you don't want to be in it again any time soon?
2)Do you know any similar experiences to being there done that?
3)Can you think the time when you could use that expression?
4)what's your experience that you would not like to have it again?
5)what's the experience that you could do over and over, and never get tired ?
時(shí)尚口語: Green
Another day, another color. What comes to mind when you think of green? I think of different things like a cool green forest where I can walk with a friend, a green leaf of latus to wrap my food in, a green watermelon that I can share, a green frog croaking away. I also think of different images like a person who might be green with envy, who thinks that the grass is always greener on the other side; or an uncle, who has a green thurm, he has great growing plants, his garden is beautiful; or my boss giving me permission or a green light to go ahead with the project; or a new worker, who is green, he doesn't have any experiencing.
Talk about it:
When you hear the word green, what comes to your mind? How does the color green make you feel? What are some things that are green? Do you know any idioms that use the word green? What are some colors that are associated with emotions, like green with envy? Green is used to describe many things, what do you think it means when someone says they have a lot of green?
Every once in a while on a weekend, my family and I go to the local park, and shoot off some small fireworks. then we light some sparklers and run around until they burn out. It's nice to watch the kids run around with the sparklers. You know, it's actually kind of hard to see who is who in the dark. but I can tell because the height of sparks and the sound of the laughter. If it were only laughter, and no sparks, wow, something big would be missing.
If I had to lose one of my senses, I am not sure which one would be, but I now for sure that I would keep my sight. Being able to see is such a blessing.
There are so many wonderful things to see in this world,
the colorful flowers and leaves,
the amazing clouds,
the way sun shines,
These are some of the things that I love looking at.
I also think about reading, I read all the time. And because my sight, I am able to read conveniently.
I do so much with my eyes.
I don't have perfect eyesight, but I am glad I can see so much.
Talk about it:
1)If you have to lose one of your senses, which one would it be?
2)how important are your eyes to you?
3)do you have good eyesight?
4)what do you think about wearing glasses or contacts?
5)how would it feel to be blind?
6)many disable people in north America depend on animals to function society, what do you think of seeing-eye dogs?
7)what measures can you take to allow blind people to work and live comfortly?
8)many disable people find their other sense are hightened, what do you think about this?