- 相關推薦
I need some cosmetics. 我需要化妝品。
I‘d like to buy some cosmetics. 我想買些化妝品。
I’m interested in buying some cosmetics. 我想買些化妝品。
Have you any lipsticks? 你們有口紅賣嗎?
Do you have lipsticks? 你們有口紅賣嗎?
Do you sell lipsticks? 你們賣口紅嗎?
Where can I get the eye cream? 我可以在哪兒買到眼霜?
Do you have any foundation for summer?你們有夏天用的粉底嗎?
What kind of perfume do you have? 你們有什么牌子的香水?
We have both Chinese and western perfume. Which do you like better? 我們與國產的和進口的,你更喜歡哪一種?
Please show me something of good quality. 請給我那瓶質量好的看看。
How do you like this one? 你覺得這種怎么樣?
How do you like this Qingfei perfume? 這種清妃香水怎么樣?
It has won national super-quality certificate. 它曾榮獲全國優質產品證書。
It‘s advertised on TV, very popular. 它的電視廣告隨處可見。
What makes it so special? 是什么使它這么特別?
The elegent smell. 高雅的香味。
It’s just the thing that would take a lady‘s fancy. 這正是女士中意之物。
The smell is too strong, I can’t stand it. 這個味道太濃,我受不了。
May I know what color you usually wear? 請問你平常用什么顏色的?
I‘m not sure if this color watches my skin tone, can I try it first? 我不能確定這個顏色是否適合我的膚色,我可以試用一下嗎?
It’s still too bright. Any darker shades? 還是太淺了,再深一點的有嗎?
Any brand will do so long as I can get the right color. 哪種品牌都可以,只要顏色合適就行。 Could you give me some ideas? 你能給我提些建議嗎?
Your complexion is on the oily side. I suggest you use cleansing gel. 你的皮膚較油,我建議你用潔面乳。
My skin is very sensitive. Do you have trial samples that I can try first? 我的皮膚很敏感,你們有試用品可以讓我先試用一下嗎?
If my skin is allergic to the product, can I bring it back for a refund? 如果我的皮膚對那個產品過敏,我可以拿回來退嗎?
I want to buy a new lipstick. Do you know any good brands? 我想買一支新的唇膏,你知道哪個牌子比較好用嗎?
I will try this nail-polish. 我要試試這種指甲油。
How much for this black mascara? 這支黑色的睫毛膏要多少錢?
I‘m sorry. The gift package is exclusive for customers who purchase our new foundation. 很抱歉,這個禮品只贈送給購買我們新上市粉底霜的客戶。
What’s included in the gift package? 禮品包括了哪些東西?
I‘m sorry. You can’t change any item from the gift package. 對不起,贈品中的產品是不可以替換的。
Could you show me how to put on this eye shadow? 你可以示范給我看怎樣用這些眼影嗎? Pink eye shadow is popular among Chinese girls. 粉紅色眼影在中國女孩當中很流行。
When should I use this skin refinisher? Before or after the toner? 我應該什么時候擦這個柔膚活顏精華露? 是在用化妝水之前還是之后?
Anything else? 還要什么別的嗎?
Can I get you anything else? 還要什么別的嗎?
Is there anything else I may show you? 還要什么別的嗎?