關鍵詞:女性 米蘭昆德拉 《生命中不能承受之輕》 布拉格之春
張愛玲 《傾城之戀》
Abstract:Adopt the female angle of view to study to the parallelism The Unbearable Lightness Of Being with A Love Story In The Ruined City medium three females.For especially Teresa and Bailiusu mainly are to study the different and similar that they treat the man, love, marriage, Sabinre and Bailiusu mainly commence from the character difference.Pass these researches their fresh and clear character, especially Terasa is weak, Sabinre is a treachery of, Bailiusu is soft to win to take just.The love is especially the faith of Teresa, the betrayal is favourite of Sabinra , the existence composing of her a pair living two poles- light and heavy, work properly with the meat.Bailiusu with marriage for business of living is a Chinese widespread existence to depend on the portrayal that the husband lived the helpless female who" live on" the life at that time because of have no economic foundation.In fine all of the lifes of three females are not ideal, especially Teresa and Bailiusu are all under the yoke of living of heavy, seem to be passive, the light that Sabinra was then live lead long make but living meaning drive eliminate the solution.
Keywords:Female Milan kundera The Unbearable Lightness Of Being
The spring of Prague Zhangailing A Love Story In Ruined City