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Dear XX,
Sport has always been a massive part of my life ever since I startedplaying football at the age of seven. I have played at many different levelsranging from school football to playing for my league select and representing myregion. Football is my main interest, besides the fact I enjoy other sports suchas Badminton, basketball, volleyball and many more. I have had experience inthese sports having participated in many during physical education at school, asubject which has played a big part in my school career. The things I enjoyabout sport are that it needs a lot of dedication and hard work to besuccessful, as well as sport being very demanding and challenging. As a resultin my interest in sport I want to study the subject further in education. I haveplayed sport ever since I was young and still play it now, and still feel soemphatic in wanting to learn more about the subject. Sport being a key factor ofmy life, being very interested and driven to teach the subject, I am willing tosucceed into studying sport further and give back to the subject to what Ilearned out of it.
For my work experience with the school, I went to Airdrie Leisure Centre,where I worked a sport related working environment. During my week at AirdrieLeisure Centre I tackled day to day tasks and also organising sporting eventsand programmes. I fully enjoyed working that week as I could get an insight onwhat is expected and how to handle the pressure on making sure things got doneon time. The work experience week helped, as I knew from then on that I wantedto do something related to sport in future education. I will always look forwardto dealing with anything related to sport, as I learn about the subject I justwant to go out and try out what I have been learning. Having the skill ofdetermination and high level of commitment in need to be successful in doing anycourse, but especially for this course as sport is challenging and is always hasdifferent situations to deal with. The career I have in mind is to allow in thepath of Teaching. Physical Education would be the ideal teaching career I wouldlike to follow, able to teach young children and being able to give back what Ilearned from my experience. The main reason for wanting to teach is that I wantpeople to see the subject the way I see it and the way I enjoy it. After thecompletion of this course, my aim is to pass this course on view on doing a oneyear post graduate degree. My target will be to become a Physical Educationteacher, after all my course has been passed successfully.
With work experience I learned many important skills in how to besuccessful. Communication a very important skill in which nothing runs smoothlywithout good communication. Also listening to others around you and taking theiradvice is another key factor in achieving my goals. Working part time inSafeway, has also really helped me learn about good people skills needed whileworking with other people. Both working by myself and more importantly in a teamare very important to making sure things don't go wrong. When working in a teamI learned that things go well only when there is good communication betweenmyself and the team, as well as positive motivation. During my time in workexperience and also in my part time job, I have certain deadline's to meet andfor the work to be done completely for that deadline. Problem solving is onthing I need to challenge at my work and also at my football. As there are manyquick decisions needing to be made in order to out smart my opponent. As for mywork a different kind of problem solving is needed, as I need to be able to makecorrect decisions in the working place.
While being at school in the last year, I had many responsibilities. I wasnominated to be a prefect for my house. Being a prefect was a great privilege asI had to be very responsible as lead by example to the young half of the school.Many things which I had to do was help out at house assembles and sportingevents. Organising the sporting events was so much fun and I was able to get anidea of what it was like to organise something which I was interested in.Another very proud moment for me was to be able to represent my school team ascaptain. To be successful in being a good captain, was to be motivational andalso not using criticism towards my team mates instead I used encouragement. Mymain task in being captain was to make sure my team had a solid base andeverybody knew what they were doing for the game. Also I had to make sure themanagers game plan actually got through to the players. Attending BB's was areally enjoyable and very challenging too. It came with many differentcircumstances such as helping out a lot of people and also looking at the goodthings in life. The B.B camp was such fun too, as me being a group leaderthroughout my last year, I had to make sure I was in great shape both onappearance and in a physical context. As others would see me as an example tofollow and I wanted it to be a good one
My hobbies and interests range from lots of different and challengingactivities. I play football for Whitburn AFC at under19 level, where I play as aright midfielder which I enjoy immensely. I like socialising with many differentkinds of friends. The things I enjoy greatly with my friends are playing pool atmy local pool hall, where I am a member of. The cinema is a place where I go asoften I can, as I am a huge movie fan, I like both action and other sorts andtypes of films. The thing I would say I do the most is listening to music; Ilike mainly rock music however my cd collect ranges from a wide selection ofmusic. With my interest in music I go to see my favourite bands when they comeon tour, I have been to five gigs so far in my life and have two gigs still togo to. The internet and computers is something I usually do with my spear time,but I would not say it's my main interest in life. Travelling to many differentcountries is a great experience; I have been to Spain, Belgium, Holland, Franceand even England. Spain has been a great experience as I go to a little town inSpain just outside Barcelona. It's different from going to the resorts in Spain,as hardly anybody speaks English, however I found that you can communicate withthese people who speak a different language from me and I am still able tounderstand. Also meeting people from abroad is very interesting and also seeinghow they live there life.
Yours sincerely,