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Today, I read with relish a well-known British writer Oscar Wilde book "The Happy Prince." Prince and Swallow book selfless, so my soul be touched and shocked.
Happy Prince statue originally stood in the city center, his body encrusted piece of pure gold, and his eyes are two bright sapphires, there is a big ruby in the hilt on his hand upon her shining. Can to help poor people, who help in the Swallow, the film of pure gold and precious stones to give the people in need. Finally, little Swallow, frozen to death, while the Happy Prince has been removed due to dilapidated. They will be in the public statue of The Little Prince melts into the fire, the little prince how will melt the heart can not afford to, people he put the heart and the golden prince died of the Swallow are thrown in the trash. Although the appearance of the little prince is a statue, the heart is made of lead, but there is a pure heart, genuinely good. However, I can not, I fear of hardship, fear of pay, usually, in learning more afraid of repeated practice, do not want to delve into, so every time examination results are not satisfactory. I hope we learn from the Prince a good heart.
快樂王子的塑像本來立在市中心,他身上綴滿了純金箔片,他的眼睛是兩粒閃亮的藍寶石,還有一顆大大的紅寶石在他手捏著的劍柄上閃閃發光。可為了幫助窮苦的百姓,他在小燕子的幫助下,把純金箔片和寶石送給了需要幫助的人們。最后,小燕子凍死了,而快樂王子也因破爛不堪而被拆除。在市民們將小王子的雕像放進火里融化時,小王子的心怎么也融不掉,人們便把小王子的心和那只死了的小燕子都扔進了垃圾箱。雖然小王子的外表是一座雕像,心也是用鉛造的,但他內心深處卻有一顆純真,善良的真心。可是,我卻做不到,我怕吃苦,怕付出,平時,在學習上就怕反復多練,不愿深入鉆研,所以每次考試成績都不理想。 我希望大家學習快樂王子的一顆善良的心。