- 圣誕節唯美句子英語 推薦度:
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1. Nothing is permanent in this wicked world,not even our trohbles.在這個荒唐的世界,沒什么會是永恒不變的,包括我們遇到的麻煩。
2. The consequences of today are determined by the actions of the past.To change your future ,ailter your decisions today.今天的果,緣于過去行為種下的因。想要改變你的未來,改變你的今天。
3. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.生活,不是用我們呼吸了多少下來衡量的,而是要看我們多少次屏住呼吸。
4. Don't go around saying the world owes you a living.The World owes you nothing .It wsa here first.別到處宣稱世界對你不公平,世界不欠你任何東西,因為世界比你早誕生的多。
5. Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect.It means that you have decided to look beyond teh omperfections.幸福不以為著凡事都完美,那只是因為你已經不再只看到缺憾了。
6. Fear not that thy life shall come to an end,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.不要害怕你的`生活將要結束,應該擔心你的生活不曾真正開始。
7. Trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose,and the hardest thing in the world to get back.信任是這個世界上最容易失去的東西,也是最難挽回的東西。
8. At twenty years of age ,the will regins;at thirty,the wit;and at forty,the judment.二十歲時支配作用的是意志,三十歲時是機智,四十歲時是判斷。
9. People cry not because love ends,but because still continues.Even if it's oner.人們傷心不是因為愛情結束了,而是因為當一切都結束了,愛還在。
10. Life is like a hot bath.It feels good while you're in it,but the longer you stay in,the more wrinkled you get.生活就像熱水澡,泡著很舒服的樣子;但泡的越久,皺紋也就越多。
11. Life is a journey,with problems to solve,lessons to learn,but most of all experiences to enjoy.人生如同一場旅行,路上會遇到各種苦難需要解決,各種新鮮事物需要學習,但最重要的是盡情享受路上的每一份經歷。
12. We shouldn't blame,laugh at and envy anyone.We should be colorful in the sunshine,run in the winds and rains ,dreanm your own dreams and go your own way.不要埋怨誰,也不要嘲笑誰,也不羨慕誰,陽光下燦爛,風雨中奔跑,做自己的夢,走自己的路。
13. There'e somebody out there for everybody.You juse have to wait for god to bring them into your life.每個人都注定要遇到那個特別的人。你要做的就是等待老天將他帶到你的身邊。
14. You are a part and puzzle of someone'e ilfe.You may never know where you fit,but always remember that someone's life may not be complete without you!你是某個人生命拼圖的一小塊,也許你永遠不知道自己的位置在哪兒,但請你記住;沒有你,他們的生命是不完整的'。
15. The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.你唯一應該試著去超越的人,是昨天的自己。
16. I cannot give you the formula for success,but I can give you the formula for failure,which is;Try to please everybody.我不能給你成功的計算公式,但我可以給你失敗的計算公式,那就是:試著取悅每個人。
17. Actually there is no sense in the world with it,needle don't stab to others, they don't know how much pain.世界上其實根本沒有感同身受這回事,針不刺到別人身上,他們就不知道有多痛。
18. The only difference between a caprice and a life-long passion is that the caprice lasts a little longer.逢場作戲與終身不渝之間的區別只在于逢場做戲稍微長一些。
19. When a real moment of consciousness, he gave up the pusuit of the wealth of the outside world,and begin to search for the real wealth of his inner world.當一個人真正覺悟的一刻,他放棄追尋外在世界的財富,而開始追尋他內心世界的真正財富。
20. People are often so misunderstanding oneself,think oneself,think oneself long sentiment,actually all is but too bad now.人常常都是這么誤會自己的,以為自己戀舊,以為自己長情,其實都是因為現在過的不好而已。