- 相關推薦
1.When the cat’s away , the mouse will play. When there is no authority, people will play. 2.Sitting duck.
Someone who is weak/helpless. 3.Open a can of worms .
Create a problem by saying /doing sth. 4.Blind as a bat.
Can’t see /understand .what’s obvious. 5.I could eat a horse. Really ,very hungry. 6.As quiet as a mouse. Very ,very quiet.
7.It’s raining cats and dogs. It’s raining really heavily. 8.As strong as an ox. Really really strong.
9.As slippery as a snake.
Someone who can’t be trusted. 10.Like a fish out of water.
Feel out of place,or to be a stranger. 11.The early bird catches the worm. The first one will succeed. 12.To behave like an animal. To be rude or to act like a child. 13.Top dog.
The boss or act like the boss.
14.To make a mountain out of a molehill.
To make a small problem seen very big and important. 15.As sly as a fox. Clever,a cheat.
Agreeing:I’ll take you word on it. I could’t agree with you more.
You took the worlds right out of my mouth. Disagreeing:That’s out of the question. I find that very difficult to accept. You’ve got to be kidding. Exting the chinglish:
In a word is used to say only one word.like no,maybe, yes. Instered,in short,in conclusion,to conclude.
Is &are very+adj&really +v/adj fun&funny(laugh) Disease病a serious sickness,like cancer.
Chronic慢性a disease that keeps coming back and gets worse and worse. Contagious傳染a sickness that can be passed from person to person.
Curable可治愈的similar to treatable . a disease that can be fixed. Terminal絕癥,終端 Contract感染 Symptom癥狀
Medication藥物another word for medicine. Dosage劑量 Overdose過量
Side effects 副作用the negative results of a drug. Pharmacy藥店a drugstore ,where you buy medicine. Linking
Consonan--vowel Turn off → tur noff Have any → ha vany Wants us → want sus Vowel—vowel ( w & y ) Too often → tooWoften I am → IYam Word breaks
Went to → wento
Was so /is so → waso /iso
e.g.what time is he coming?→ whati mis he coming. I went to the beach. → I wento the beach. That was so nice of her. → that waso ni sof her. James is so intelligent. → jame sisoWintelligent. You can take it or leave it. → you can ta kit or lea vit. Some of them look alike. → so mof them loo kalike. Can you say it again. → ca nou sa yi tagain. May I halp you? → maYi hel pou?
Can you do it for me? → ca nou doWit for me?
畢馬威 筆試07-10